What is Experiential Learning?
What is Experiential Learning?
Experiential learning is an engaged learning process whereby students "learn by doing" and by reflecting on the experience. Experiential learning activities can include, but are not limited to, hands-on laboratory experiments, internships, practicums, field exercises, study abroad, undergraduate research and studio performances.
The Global Health Studies Program recognizes the importance of experiential learning for students as they define their interests and work toward post-graduation goals. Program faculty and staff help connect students to local, regional, and international academic and co-curricular opportunities.
Importantly, the Global Health Studies Program encourages student involvement in experiential learning only if it is conducted through reputable organizations which uphold ethical and health standards for both students and local populations worldwide. Resources which help students navigate their interactions outside of the classroom include:
- GHS:3034 - Doing Harm by Doing Good (taught every 3rd semester)
- Ethical Interactions Abroad
- Institutional Review Board (for all research which includes human subjects)
- Volunteering Abroad? Read This Before You Post That Selfie
Ferentz Undergraduate Research Fund
Funding Opportunities for Undergraduate Student Research
Health Equity Advancement Lab (HEAL -- COPH)
Independent Project in Global Health Studies
Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates (ICRU)
Iowa Policy and Opinion Lab (IPOL)
Iowa Social Science Research Center
Latham Science Engagement Fellowship Progam
Public Policy Center Summer Policy Research Institute
Stanley Award for Undergraduate Research
(The Dewey) Stuit Fund for Undergraduate Research
Underrepresented Students in Sustainability Mentoring Program
Center for Advancement (fundraising and development internships)
Cmiel Funded Human Rights Internship Program
Cultural Vistas Summer Internship
GAP Year Opportunities
Global Health Organizations in Iowa (peruse websites for opportunities)
Global Health Studies Summer Internship with the Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement
Hawkeye Experience Grant
International Internships (UI International Programs)
Nonprofit Leadership and Philanthropy Internships & Careers
Office of Sustainability and the Environment Internship and Work Opportunities
Pomerantz Career Center Internship Information, Micro-Internships
The Washington Center Internship Program
World Food Prize/ George Washington Carver Internship
Study Abroad
Funding Your Study Abroad Experience
Steps to Studying Abroad at the University of Iowa
Study Abroad "Major Advising Page" for GHS (explore GHS-related study abroad programs)
Engaged Learning (Leadership, Service Learning, Student Orgs, Volunteering)
Bridging Domestic and Global Diversity UI Leadership Training
GHS:4001 Student Team Projects with Community Health Initiative, Haiti
Global Health Organizations in Iowa (peruse websites for volunteer opportunities)
Hawkeye Service Breaks
Iowa N.E.W. Leadership Institute
Leadership, Service, and Civic Engagement (find GHS-related student orgs)
Mobile Clinic Volunteering
Office of Community Engagement
Volunteer & Service Learning Opportunities/ Pomerantz Career Center
University Resources
The University of Iowa provides general information concerning research, internships, study abroad and engaged learning opportunities. For more information, please visit the following links:
Undergraduate Research: https://research.uiowa.edu/researchers/student-research/undergraduate-student-research
Internships: Internships | Pomerantz Career Center - The University of Iowa (uiowa.edu)
Study Abroad: https://international.uiowa.edu/study-abroad
Experiential Learning: https://leadandserve.uiowa.edu
Engaged Learning: https://engagement.uiowa.edu/students