The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in conjunction with the Graduate College offers a Certificate in Global Health Studies to graduate students. The certificate is an interdisciplinary program requiring 18 semester hours of coursework, a global health project during which students address an important global health issue in a systematic way, and a report and presentation on the completed project.
The certificate is open to University of Iowa graduate and professional students. Students who wish to declare the global health studies certificate must contact the global health studies faculty advisor. Global health studies staff will see to it that the certificate is added to a student's program of study.
Work for the certificate includes required courses, electives, a global health project that culminates in a public presentation and written report, and the study of a world language. A maximum of 4 s.h. in GHS:4990 Independent Project in Global Health may be used toward the certificate. Students may choose courses offered by the Global Health Studies Program (prefix GHS) or associated courses offered by other departments and programs (see "Associated Courses" under Courses in this section of the catalog).
Graduate and professional students who would like to count credit from a degree program toward the global health studies certificate should consult their graduate/professional academic programs.
For more specific information on courses, curriculum, and requirements of the graduate Certificate in Global Health Studies, visit the UI General Catalog.
Global Health Project
Students must complete a global health project during which they systematically address an important global health issue. The project can be completed either in an international setting or in a domestic setting that focuses on global connections. Eight weeks is considered the optimal amount of time to meet this requirement. The project may be completed as part of a study abroad program, a service learning course, an internship, a volunteer experience, or an independent research project.
Projects require approval by the Global Health Studies Program faculty director and must be supervised by an approved UI faculty mentor. Students may apply for a Stanley Award; other financial support may be available for some projects. Visit the Global Health Project page for more information.
Public Presentation and Report
Certificate requirements culminate in a public presentation and report. Students present the results of their global health project in GHS:3010 Social Science Approaches to Global Health or in an equivalent public forum. Students also must submit a 10–12 page report that summarizes their global health project. Students enroll in GHS:4990 Independent Project in Global Health for 1 s.h. during the semester in which they are completing their report and presentation.