
Bodies Beyond Borders: Moving Anatomies 1750-1950 (2017)
Sokhieng Au (Co-editor with Kaat Wils and Raf de Bont)

The Politics of Fear: Médecins sans Frontières and the West African Ebola Epidemic (2017)
Sokhieng Au (Co-editor with Michiel Hofman)

Reproductive Rights Issues in Popular Media: International Perspectives (2017)
Waltraud Maierhofer (Co-editor with Beth Widmaier Capo)

Mixed Medicines: Health and Culture in French Colonial Cambodia (2011)
Sokhieng Au


"Abortion in Sweden and in Henning Mankell's Before the Frost" (2021)
Waltraud Maierhofer

"Self-Help Groups as Platforms for Development: The Role of Social Capital" (2021)
Carly Nichols

"Spaces for Women:  Rethinking Behavior Change Communication in the Context of Women's  Groups and Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture" (2021)
Carly Nichols

"Geographic Contingency, Affective Facts, and the Politics of Global Nutrition Policy" (2019)
Carly Nichols

"Abortion Democracy:  Sarah Diehl's Advocacy Documentary Film for Women's Rights in Poland and South Africa" (2017)
Waltraud Maierhofer

"Cutting the Flesh: Surgery, Autopsy and Cannibalism in the Belgian Congo" (2017)
Sokhieng Au 

"Millets, Milk and Maggi:  Contested Processes of the Nutrition Transition in Rural India" (2017)
Carly Nichols

"Fifty Shades:  Ambivalence about Birth Control in an Erotic Bestseller and Its Cultural Implications" (2016)
Waltraud Maierhofer

"Indian Womb--German Baby:  Transnational Gestational Surrogacy in the Film Monsoon Baby" (2014)
Waltraud Maierhofer

"Standardised Provision of Care for Survivors of Sexual Violence in Conflict and Post-Conflict Areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo. One Size Fits All?" (2014)
Sokhieng Au (Co-author with Jerlie Roka Loko et al.)

"Research in Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases in Central Asia and the Caucasus" (2008)
Katherine Herz

"Children's Environmental Health in Central Asia and the Middle East" (2006)
Kathrine Herz (Co-author with David O. Carpenter et al.)

Commentary and Popular Writing

Birds In the Morning. Frogs at Night. Sharing Life Along the Road (2021)
Maureen McCue (Co-founder & Emeritus of the Global Health Studies Program)

"Johnson County Isn't Immune to the World's Racial Health Inequities" (2021)
Sokhieng Au

"The Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 amidst Agrarian Distress" (2020)
Carly Nichols

"We Farmers Eat Fat Rice!" (2017)
Carly Nichols